Instead of waiting for the spring season to arrive to clean the offices of your business, the fall season is an ideal time to purge any clutter and unused items. This will allow you to become organized for the new year and brace for the busyness of the holiday season. To begin cleaning your business, there are a few important tips to follow for a more efficient workplace.
1. Scan Important Documents
Paperwork, documents, and old records are known to take up a significant amount of space in oversized filing cabinets that are often unorganized. Free up extra space in your office by scanning all of the documents to the computer and storing them on a cloud. This will allow them to remain secure and private on updated technology for a clean office setting. Shred all of the documents, which will allow you to safeguard the content and prevent the information from becoming lost in the event of a disaster or a fire. You can also shred tax documents that are older than seven years old, which are no longer eligible to get audited.
2. Group Like Items
From scissors to tape, there are a number of office supplies that are often scattered throughout the workplace. Group like items and make them easy to access to ensure that everything is easy to find throughout the day. Use containers and bins to organize the products and reduce clutter or junk drawers.
3. Clean Up the Computers
Consult the help of your IT professional to help you clean up the computers that are used for your business to help them run more efficiently during the fall season and avoid having them crash in the future. Host an event where your employees can go through their emails and delete content that is no longer needed. You can also discard old folders, photos, or schedules that are taking up extra space on the computer to wipe out unnecessary items and make it easier to find what you need. This will make it easier for the IT department to fix small glitches that may be present in the system. You’ll also want to back up all of the computers to ensure that you don’t lose pertinent information if the system ever fails.
4. Organize Your Supplies
A common way that many businesses lose money is by ordering extra supplies throughout the year that they already have on hand. Make it a point to collect all unused items or multiple tools in the desks that are used to create a clean office. Store the items in labeled containers or on a pegboard that installed in a supply closet to record what you have on hand when it’s needed in the future. This will make it easier for the employees to obtain extra paper, scissors, and paper clips instead of putting in an order for more products.
5. Organize the Cords
It’s common for multiple cords to be tangled underneath desks, which can damage the cables and make it challenging to hook up new devices. Install hooks underneath the desk to hold the cords and keep them separated from one another. You can also use labels on the end of each cord to keep it organized and find what you need when they all look the same.